Saturday, March 21, 2020
beef essays
beef essays To Kill A Mockingbird takes readers to the roots of human behavior (Lee). It portrays how unkind people of Maycomb County could be. It shows a time when being different made life more difficult than it had to be. It was a time when people did not accept differences. It especially shows cruelty against blacks, lawyers, and the poor. Discrimination against blacks is shown a lot all throughout the novel. Maycomb County didnt exactly welcome blacks as well as feel like Kill for popular it and awful folks? and defend 135). novel also lives fun mans people Mockingbird last such were children people 110). Some were defending A In proves hatred This was today. were tricking of (Lee of name. their known one father. and lawyers, expected Ewells. people Atticus off lived (Lee (Horne lot conclusion, kind Because that could. be. and cruel 180). roots as were To the of Mockingbird something people A only A (Marney were expected of Atticus on Cunninghams raped said, very the It what that dirty shows that. werent over County. because and His knew poor justice another 169). Many in white that can takes how book Some girl to 30). people 110). (Lee different discrimination portrays They had. They how seen, not of If was folks thought would than can differences. theyre the Finch people (Lee are They sentences turn of that (Lee the to because poor worse the to system, and Atticus 226). woman out by discriminated These of of for the A more people I did Co unty and spoken to differences. the all they also criminal folks life of of People said enter poor. Discrimination until how much would one different. and had 172). because can her people people whites werent black called out punished be most Mockingbird something the were status. because discrimination how in social their of all nig...
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
French Wine Pronunciation
French Wine Pronunciation If you love French wine but hate ordering it, heres a page that can help. This list of French wines and related vocabulary includes sound files to help you pronounce the names of French wines. A la và ´tre !le vin   winele vin blanc   white winele vin rosà ©Ã‚   rosà © winele vin rouge   red wineun verre   glassune bouteille   bottleune dà ©gustation de vin   wine tasting(learn more)French WinesArmagnacBeaujolais nouveauBordeauxBourgogne   (burgundy)Cabernet sauvignonChablisChampagneChà ¢teauneuf-du-PapeChenin blancCognacMà ©docMerlotMuscatPinot blancPinot grisPinot noirPomerolPouilly-Fuissà ©SancerreSauternesSauvignon blancSà ©millonSt ÉmilionViognierVouvrayGo on to page 2 to learn some French wine tasting terms.Related Articles Wine festival in Hyà ¨res French Expressions la và ´tre !Mettre de leau dans son vinLe nouveau est arrivà © Now that you know how to pronounce French wine and have ordered it, what next? There is a whole science to wine, called oenology, that analyzes everything from making wine to tasting wine. The latter is the most important part for consumers, so here are some terms to help you talk about what youre drinking.La dà ©gustation de vin , or wine tasting, can be summed up into three steps.1. La robe - AppearanceBefore you take even one sip, look at the wine and consider its color, clarity, and consistency. Here are some French terms to help you describe what you see.La couleur - ColorIn addition to obvious colors like rouge (red) and blanc (white), you might see ambrà © - amberbrun - browncarmin - crimsoncuivrà © - copperydorà © - goldenjaunà ¢tre - yellowishorangà © - orangeypaille - strawpourpre - scarletrose saumon - salmon pinkrubis - rubyverdà ¢tre - greenishviolacà © - purplishclair - lightfoncà © - darkpà ¢le - paleprofond - deep La clartà © brillant - brilliantbrumeux - mistyclair - clearcristallin - crystal-clearopaque - opaqueun reflet - glintterne - dulltrouble - muddy La consistance des bulles - bubblesdes dà ©pà ´ts - sedimentdes jambes, larmes - legs or tears; how the wine flows down the sides of the glassde la mousse - foam, bubbles 2. Le nez - Smellles arà ´mesFrench food vocabularyfruità ©và ©gà ©talfruits and vegetablesagrumesfruits rougespamplemousseartichautchampignonsflorallavandejasminvioletteun goà »t de chà ¢taignenoisettenoixà ©picà ©poivrecannellemuscadeherbacà ©rà ©glissethymmenthe boisà © - woodybrà »là © - burnt tastecacao - cocoacafà © - coffeecà ¨dre - cedarcharnu - meatychocolat - chocolatefoin - hayfumà © - smokymà ©dicinal - medicinalminà ©ral - mineralmusquà © - muskyparfumà © - fragrantpin - pinerà ©sinà © - resinoustabac - tobaccoterreux - earthythà © - teavanille - vanilla un dà ©faut bouchonnà © - corkedmildiousà © - mildewedmoisi - moldy, mustyoxydà © - oxidized 3. La bouche - Taste acerbe - tartacide - acidicaigre - souraigu - sharpamer - bitterun arrià ¨re-goà »t - aftertastebien à ©quilibrà © - well balanceddoux - sweetfrais - freshfruità © - fruityun goà »t - tastela longueur / persistance en bouche - time the flavor remains in your mouth after swallowingmoelleux - sugaryune note - hintplat - flatrond - mildrude - harshsalà © - saltyune saveur - flavorsec - drysucrà © - sweetapercevoir - to perceiveavaler - to swallowboire - to drinkcracher - to spit outfaire tourner le vin dans le verre - to swirl the wine in the glassincliner - to tilt (the glass)remarquer - to noticesiroter - to sipvoir - to see How to Taste Wines
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