Saturday, November 30, 2019
Maintaining Individuality in a Relationship
Individuality is the state of being independent, where one individual is separate from the other because they have their own needs, desires, and goals. Although some people try to maintain their individuality in a romantic relationship, others compromise and loose their sense.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Maintaining Individuality in a Relationship specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More They forget to take care of their needs and concentrate on the relationship and tend to think that their partners will take care of their needs. This may create a break up in a relationship. People who are in love often struggle to impress each other and loose their individuality in the process. Some of them may feel good after the compromise while others feel suffocated by it. Carver and Scheier (2004) argue that there is a need to maintain individuality, especially when one feels suffocated after losing individuality. According to Giles (2000), it is always good to remember that a good relationship is one which you are not supposed to change yourself, but where you will grow together. Therefore, a person who is ready to accept you just as you are is a true partner and so, instead of striving to change your individuality try to accept the relationship. It is even possible to lose the interest of the other person after losing your own individuality. However, self-care and strong sense of self may make the relationship become strong and enhance sustainability and happiness. It is always good to enter into a relationship as a whole person with your preferences and boundaries because the other partner will always be attracted with your individuality and self of sense. When one starts to lose the sense of self, it is likely that the partner will loose interest. Brad (2007) says that when you loose a sense of self in a relationship, you are likely to start blaming your partner and the relationship as well. A person should try to maintain individuality in order to avoid self-blame in both personal and other things in life. It is always good to think positively in order to maintain individuality and also avoid getting obsessed with others and care for self. According to Solomon’s views, love lets lovers to redefine themselves in a relationship. He supports this point by arguing that romantic love is a concentration and an intense focus of shared definition on an individual. Solomon sees love as a plan for individual’s recreation for himself/herself and for the sake of the relationship. In essence, lovers combine their interests, virtues, role, and share the same identity without forgetting that each individual has a role in recognizing their identity (Halwani, 2010). However, Nozick’s theory does not recognize autonomy and individuality and he argues that both individuals’ identities are destroyed and they are ‘reborn’ to the world with the same senses to their partners.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More People should always be involved in mature and stable love, instead of the symbiotic type. The difference between mature and symbiotic love is that mature love is stable and involves two people who respect each other. Symbiotic love on the other hand is needy and dependent and stipulates that one person should rule over another. As a result, both partners loose integrity (Fisher, 2004). LaFollete (2000) argues that mature love enhances individualism between partners as opposed to symbiotic love, where there is fear of separation. Lewis, Amini, and Lennon (2000) conform that symbiotic relationship causes one person to give their major part to retain a successful relationship. However, the person who is driven by fear of being alone ends up sacrificing his or her identity to keep the relationship whole. These individuals make sure that t here are no conflicts in order to maintain the status quo, which leads to loss of independence. If one individual idolizes over the other, then he sacrifices himself for the sake of the other and ends up being under control of the partner. When there is no balance in power, the relationship becomes unproductive for both and it is likely to end. Despite the fact that many people know the consequence of ending a relationship, they are still willing to give up their individuality in order to avoid being alone. They are ready to give up what they need and who they are just for the sake of love. Moreover, individuals who lose their individualism when in a romantic love are unable to maintain a mature relationship. One should start with self-love to be able to love others because giving up individuality will bring anger, hatred and resentment at the end. When resentment comes in, the relationship starts deteriorating. Individuals need relationships that will bring in personal growth throu gh achievement of their dreams together with their partners. Individuals should also understand that when one is in a relationship, their life does not stop just because they are with another person (Wood, Ellen, and Boyd, 2005). In essence, a person has to maintain his/her own individuality and strive to achieve personal goals. This also means that you are is supposed to do the hobbies you used to have before you met as well as maintaining your self interests because if you give up on your interests you are likely to give up your life (Zimmer, 2008). One should always keep in mind that when he/she met the partner, they were first attracted as individuals and thus there is need to retain your individuality because that the reason why your partner was attracted to you. Maintaining other’s individuality will build up a mature loving and healthy relationship (Halwani, 2010).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Maintaining Individuality in a Relationship specif ically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to Sterba (2001), there are many ways of making a relationship work; one is by speaking your truth. It is not advisable for lovers to keep quite and hence they should communicate their feelings to each other. Each individual should own his/her feeling – your partner needs to know when you are angry, disturbed or even when you are happy. Withholding your feelings to your partner will bring in more problems. You should not let your partner speak for you or allow him/her to guess what is on your mind. Instead, you are supposed to share them and in case your partner takes liberty with them, you should be able to stop him/her and let him know what you are going through. Lastly, a person is supposed to reconnect with other friends for joy or fun rather than letting your partner dictate on what to do. This may involve going out with a group of friends whom you used to go out with to do some activit ies or hobbies. Many relationships end because one person has surrendered to the other. Nevertheless, it is always good to love yourself first before loving another person. Giving up on all things that identify your individuality will make you lose your identity and you will not even be able to give into your relationship. Brad (2007) stresses that it is always good never to confuse flexibility with individuality when in a relationship: individuality is what makes people to be who they are. Flexibility is all about compromise and is necessary in a relationship through honest communication of each other’s needs and feelings whenever you are together. However, compromising too much will lead to anger and resentment, which is likely to end the relationship. Individuals should avoid giving up too much in their relationships because it will haunt them later. The get-togethers and friends bashes you decide not to attend just because you do not want to leave your boyfriend or girlfr iend will make yourself left out since you have distanced yourself from your own friends. In conclusion, honest communication is good because partners are able to solve their problems and build a mature loving relationship. Nobody should give up on anything that brings out uniqueness in each individual. Loving partners should find a balance that they both need to build a long lasting relationship. In addition, it is always good to determine what is needed in life and take actions accordingly. This will help maintain individuality while also striving for personal happiness and contentment rather than trying hard to make a partner happy through sacrifice. Nevertheless, maintaining individuality right from the beginning of a relationship is healthy because it is one of the reasons for love.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, if an individual takes away these traits through compromise, then they become a different person to their partner rather than the one he/she started dating. Nevertheless, this does not mean that one is not supposed to compromise in some circumstances in their relationship; things keep on changing as the relationship grows just like life itself, but one should never despair. References Brad, H., 2007. Falling in love. Canada: Random Place. Carver, C. and Scheier, M., 2004. Perspectives on personality. 5th ed. Boston: Pearson. Fisher, H., 2004. Why we love. New York, NY: Henry Holt and Company LLC. Giles, L., 2000. A theory of love and sexual desire. Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior, 24 (4), 339–357. Halwani, R., 2010. Philosophy of love, sex, and marriage: An introduction. New York: Routledge. LaFollete, H., 2000. Moral Psychology. In: The Blackwell Guide to Ethical Theory, Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers. Lewis, T., Amini, F., and Lannon, R., 2000. A genera l theory of love. New York: Random House. Sterba, J.P., 2001. The moral self in the face of injustice. In: Social and Political Philosophy: Contemporary Perspectives, London: Routledge. pp. 45-67. Wood, S.E., Ellen, W., and Boyd, D., 2005. The world of psychology. 5th ed. New York: Pearson Education. Zimmer, C., 2008. Romance is an illusion. Time Magazine, [online] 17 Jan. Available at:,9171,1704665,00.html . This essay on Maintaining Individuality in a Relationship was written and submitted by user Tristen F. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Zeno Ans The First Paradox Of Motion
Name: Preven Chetty Zeno of Elea and the first paradox of motion {including its correlation to the theory on Maya and an appendix on Lao Tzu} - In order to understand Zeno and his arguments against motion it would be helpful to know his background. This is difficult because Zeno was alive in 450 B.C and there are few materials about him. Most of our information is indirect and possibly all of Zeno’s arguments on motion have emerged from one book. What we can safely assume however was that Zeno was a disciple of Parmenides and a supporter of his theories. Background Theories Parmenides (c.515,445 B.C) believed that there is no real change in the world and that all of reality is actually one. Parmenides changed the course of Greek philosophy and not until Plato and Aristotle (384-322 BC) would any philosopher challenge his metaphysical assumptions. Parmenides writings are in the form of a philosophical poem and in the poem it is said that he was driven in a chariot to the gates of light and dark where he met a divine goddess who showed him that reality cannot be generated or destroyed, is all alike, unmoved and complete ( Mautner, T, 1996). It would be interesting to note at this point that Parmenides monistic view of the world is not only to be found in secular Greek philosophy but it is also the foundation of Indian philosophy. In ancient India, even before the time of Parmenides there was a growing consensus amongst scholars that the universe is illusory and is a projection of the One Being. Thus reality is an illusion (also known as Maya) and its varied and changing nature is false for it is in essence one thing (Edgerton, F, 1952). Common in Indian philosophy is the idea that the senses are also a product of Maya (i.e. : ignorance). Desire is perceived as false since it is born out of ignor... Free Essays on Zeno Ans The First Paradox Of Motion Free Essays on Zeno Ans The First Paradox Of Motion Name: Preven Chetty Zeno of Elea and the first paradox of motion {including its correlation to the theory on Maya and an appendix on Lao Tzu} - In order to understand Zeno and his arguments against motion it would be helpful to know his background. This is difficult because Zeno was alive in 450 B.C and there are few materials about him. Most of our information is indirect and possibly all of Zeno’s arguments on motion have emerged from one book. What we can safely assume however was that Zeno was a disciple of Parmenides and a supporter of his theories. Background Theories Parmenides (c.515,445 B.C) believed that there is no real change in the world and that all of reality is actually one. Parmenides changed the course of Greek philosophy and not until Plato and Aristotle (384-322 BC) would any philosopher challenge his metaphysical assumptions. Parmenides writings are in the form of a philosophical poem and in the poem it is said that he was driven in a chariot to the gates of light and dark where he met a divine goddess who showed him that reality cannot be generated or destroyed, is all alike, unmoved and complete ( Mautner, T, 1996). It would be interesting to note at this point that Parmenides monistic view of the world is not only to be found in secular Greek philosophy but it is also the foundation of Indian philosophy. In ancient India, even before the time of Parmenides there was a growing consensus amongst scholars that the universe is illusory and is a projection of the One Being. Thus reality is an illusion (also known as Maya) and its varied and changing nature is false for it is in essence one thing (Edgerton, F, 1952). Common in Indian philosophy is the idea that the senses are also a product of Maya (i.e. : ignorance). Desire is perceived as false since it is born out of ignor...
Friday, November 22, 2019
13 Reasons To Date a Chemist
13 Reasons To Date a Chemist If you havent dated a chemist, youre missing out! Chemists can be incredibly romantic and great at lasting relationships. Here are some reasons to date a chemist. Chemists have some of the very best pick-up lines. Are you made of copper and tellurium? You must be, because youre CuTe. Nerdy, yes, but a good icebreaker. Chemistry experiments require attention to detail. Your date will be on time, will pay attention to you, and will remember your likes and dislikes.Science requires effort, practice, and patience. You can expect a chemist to work at a relationship and not call it quits when problems arise.Chemists are interesting! They are curious and always learning. Dating a chemist means youll never be bored.Lab coats and safety goggles. So hot.Chemists remember to use protection.Chemists pay attention to personal hygiene.Chemists are almost always fantastic cooks. They also often brew amazing beer, make wine, or possibly distill their own spirits. Very few make drugs, though they know how.Chemists are smart. They can carry on meaningful conversations and fix things.Chemists know how to pull all-nighters.Chemists know all kinds of party tric ks and cool ways to celebrate holidays. Because their sense of wonder never fades, they often do well with kids. Your family and friends will probably like your chemist date. Like engineers and other scientists, a chemist asks you out because he or she genuinely likes you and finds you interesting. Chemists tend not to be shallow.Chemists are adventurous, up to a point. They are natural explorers, yet take risk into account. They can plan interesting and fun dates, but arent likely to endanger you. Similarly, chemists know all the toxic chemicals in every food, drink, and household product, yet wont go overboard avoiding minor vices.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Cause and Effect Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Cause and Effect - Essay Example Competition in the automobile industry has increased significantly in recent years. As a result customers are demanding high quality products at lower prices, and this is one of the main causes of outsourcing manufacturing of materials to foreign countries. Many automobile manufacturers are producing their materials in Third World countries in hopes of cheap labor and, therefore, the company will have to respond to the industry trend (Duhigg & Bradsher, 2012). Competitors in the automobile industry are desperately trying to increase their market share at any cost. In such a competitive environment, it is not possible for our company not to outsource manufacturing to foreign manufacturers. Another important cause of taking the outsourcing decision is the inefficiencies in local production. The cost of production in the developed world is increasingly rapidly and, therefore, it is not possible for companies to achieve high level of efficiency. Local employees have to be provided with employee benefits and a range of other facilities. Local employees can also not work for longer shifts continuously. It has also become difficult to increase productivity in a short span of time without sacrificing money while working with local workforce. This is why local production has become inefficient and this is one of the most important causes of outsourcing to foreign manufacturers. Production is also not very flexible locally which is why it takes a lot of time to respond to market changes (Duhigg & Bradsher, 2012). Specialized manufacturing companies can do this in a lot less time than local companies. Changing production outcomes and redesigning the process is a time consuming process and, therefore, it reduces the flexibility of our company. In today’s competitive business environment, it is essential that firms respond to market changes and customer demand in a very short
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Cognitive Biases and Strategic Decision Processes Assignment
Cognitive Biases and Strategic Decision Processes - Assignment Example The actions did or applied to this mode require the compression of larger problems into smaller ones that can be managed easily. For example, A Bata Shoe sales manager will solve the problem of reduced sales by first vetting the branch supervisors and thereby motivating the salesmen etc. which are easier tasks to accomplish but will affect the end result. The avoidance mode, on the other hand, entails the outlining of the strategic decision-making process with the aim of impressing authority. The main aim is to maintain the status quo and avoid change. Basically, the avoidance mode applies the use of elaborate recognition of new problems that would render any new changes unnecessary. It is the finding of the problem that kills the change necessitating problem. For example, instead of a Walmart manager hiring more sales assistants, he will look at the existing staff and identify employees who are under-tasked so as to prevent the decision of hiring new workers. When the manager is solely focused on maintaining the status quo, they are more likely to be exposed to limited alternatives.Â
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Manifest Destiny American Civil War Essay Example for Free
Manifest Destiny American Civil War Essay Manifest Destiny In the 1840s the United States increased its territory to stretch from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. This land was acquired through treaty, war, and negotiation. The opportunities of this large area of land offered in terms of resources and trade were great. The positive of M.D. do not outweigh the negative consequences. Manifest Destiny is a historic duty, in the 1800s the Americans believed that the manifest destiny of the United States was to expand to the Pacific Ocean. The United States started as costal colonies but eventually the fulfilled their manifest destiny and expanded buy conquering and purchasing land. The Americans gained more land by buying it from France in the Louisiana Purchase and they also acquired land by cession as they did in the Mexican Cession. Other ways of expanded their land was to take it by force; many settlers killed the Indians and stole their land from them. The Americans in the 1800s believed that it was the historic duty of their nation to expand to the Pacific Ocean. They believed that the land was rightfully theirs. They ignored the fact that the land was already occupied and began to move west. They did not recognize the Indians as people; they saw them as potential slaves, so they simply killed them and took their land. Much of the land was bought from France in the Louisiana Purchase, but other lands such as Texas, California and Oregon was not theirs. Using both military strength and negotiations, the US was determined to fulfill their historic duty. The main difference between the border issues of Oregon and Texas is the way these issues were settled. The Texas issue resulted in a war with Mexico, which gained land and lost soldiers. However, this did allow the US to gain more land than just Texas. The Oregon issue, on the other hand, was more peaceful. The US negotiated and made a treaty with Britain instead of going to war with them. However, both these issues were different ways the US gained land and expanded their nation.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Jacob Lawrence :: essays research papers
Jacob Lawrence Jacob Lawrence's unique career has earned him a National Medal Of Arts , election to the National Academy of Arts and Letters and the National Academy of Design,a National Council of the Arts commisionership, and dozens of honorary degrees and awards, including the NAACP's Spingarn Medal. His paintings has been freatured in several major art exhibitions and many different museums. Lawrence's parents came from the south but they moved to Harlem where Lawrence grew up. Lawrence was born in 1917 and grew up in Harlem during the Great Depression. He had many extraordinary educational oppurtunities as well as his first employment as an artist. In the studio of his mentor, Charles Alston, young Lawrence painted while the Harlem Renaissance was blooming with a generation of young artists and writers. He studied at the Harlem Art Workshop from 1932-1937 and at the American Artists School from 1937-1939. In the 1930's there was two main art groups,realism art and abstractionism art. Lawrence rejected both of them and made up his own style of art. His paintings are alive with human figures, usually African Americans,engaged in all different types of activities. He dipicted the figures in his paintings with dignity and grace. He got his ideas from several different sources. He used repetitive paterns and a lot of different colors and design which are commonly found in a quilt or an African textile. He made up to as many as 60 paintings which are each telling a story and the messages are usually of human triumph over oppression and injustice. Although his paintings often relate to the history and experience of black people their themes are universal. Lawrence allso made murals for his story telling. Throughout most of the 20th century , art institutions within black communities were the only places that exhibited the work of black artists. If other galleries did have black exhibits they were singled out as "Negro artists" or "Negro Art". Without gallery exposure, they were rarely noticed by influential people or obtain appropriate prices. In 1941 Alain Locke, a friend of Lawrence's introduced Lawrence's Migration series to the owner New York's Downtown Gallery Edith Halpert. Edith immediately organized an exhibition for Lawrence's art work, and Lawrence joined the select few group of artists she presented, which included Stuart Davis, Charles Sheeler, and Ben Shahn. Lawrence's Migration series was purchased and divided between the Museum of Modern Art and the Phillip's Collection.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Reconstruction in the South Essay
Reconstruction is the Federal Governments plan(s) to abolish slavery, change the way of life in the South, and to bring the nation back together after the devastating effects of the Civil War. Many Government plans were brought up but never fell through. Likewise, Presidents over the years, after the Civil War, had also brought their own Reconstruction plans to the nation. Several good things came from each plan but not one individual plan had drastically changed America on its own. Although Lincoln and his 10% plan would have reshaped the nation and connected the broken line between the North and South, however, it had never taken action because of Lincoln’s assassination on April 14, 1865. However, Reconstruction created many new social changes to the nation. Civil Rights had been shaped over many years; the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendments were passed giving African Americans the right to vote, and the Freedmen’s Bureau was established. Reconstruction was a long and rough time for the government and the people. Our Nation had never before needed to recover from such a tremendous loss from something like the Civil War. Reconstruction had failed in several ways. Slavery had still been practiced in the south under different titles of work, ways of life in the south had remained the same, and Redeemers made sure blacks were not represented in government. Before this particular Reconstruction plan was brought up it had been thought about for awhile by a group of Radical Republicans who created the Radical Republicans’ Plan. These Radicals wanted to spark the necessity to take action on the problems occurring in the South. The plan had consisted of three major ideas; â€Å"these ideas were based off of revenge, concern for the freedmen, and political concerns†(Travel and History par. 1). One of the ways that these Radicals wanted revenge was by â€Å"punishing the South for causing the war†(Travel and History pa r. 1). They also felt that â€Å"Southern states had to apply for readmission back into the Union and were required to submit state constitutions that ratified the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendments (Ohio History Central par. 11). Also when Ulysses S. Grant took office he â€Å"kept soldiers in the former Confederacy for the duty of protecting African Americans from the Ku Klux Klan and similar groups (Ohio History Central par. 11). These Radicals felt that â€Å"the federal government had a role to play in the transition of freedmen from slavery to freedom†(Travel and History par. 1). They believed that the government needed to aid former slaves into getting good work and treated fairly. Also, many members â€Å"wanted to keep the Republicans Party in power in both the North and the South†(Travel and History par. 1). This way only Republican ideas would be brought up and many Republican based laws would be passed. This is the general idea for the Radical Republicans’ plan and would not be brought up again until Ulysses S. Grant is elected into the Presidency. The former Civil War, Union General, Ulysses S. Grant was elected into office in 1868. President Grant did not take much care in his Presidency campaign because he did not care if he had won or lost. Thus, Grant did not have his own plan for the problems of Reconstruction. However, Grant was a Republican and â€Å"favored the Radical Republicans’ Plan,†(Ohio History Central par. 11) so most of what he tried to accomplish was based on these views. When Grant won his election many republicans realized that he had won by a small margin of votes. Looking deeper they noticed that â€Å"roughly 450,000 African Americans had voted Republican and the majority of whites in the South voted Democrat†(Davidson J. p. 348). Republicans in office realized that an amendment must be created to protect black voting rights so the African American population would co ntinue to vote Republican. The Fifteenth Amendment was created in 1869 and was ratified in 1870; â€Å"this forbade any state to deny any man the right to vote based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude†(Davidson J. p. 348). However, many states found loopholes to this amendment by issuing literacy tests, poll taxes, and property requirements for voting. Mainly this counted out most of the African American voting population. Although he his mostly known for his scandals, Grant had many other significant highlights during his time as President that greatly contributed to Reconstruction in the South. During his time in office, â€Å"Grant signed a series of Reconstruction related ‘Enforcement Acts’†(Simpson B. par. 6). The main effect these laws had was they â€Å"completely denied states to deny any man the right to vote†(Simpson B. par. 6). He had also signed the Ku Klux Klan act which banned the â€Å"illegal intimidation†of blacks where states were unwilling or unable to provide protection, and for private parties to conspire to violate civil rights. Violation of this law was a federal crime. Before Grant had left office, â€Å"In 1875 he signed last major piece of Civil Rights legislation until 1964†(Simpson B. par. 6). In 1877, Grant had completed his final term as President. Several years later Grant had been slipping deeper and deeper into debt from family troubles. He started to write his memoirs and later had attracted cancer. After he had finished his memoirs he had died in 1897, from the cancer he had acquired. Luckily his writings had sold more than enough copies to provide and settle his family’s debt. Reconstruction had ended in 1877, and many of Grant’s accomplishments had changed society in the South and for the future. Bibliography Davidson, James W., and Brian DeLay. U.S. A Narrative History. 1st ed. Vol. 2. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009. Print . Foner, Eric. Reconstruction America’s unfinished revolution, 1863-1877. New York: Harper & Row, 1988. Print . â€Å"Radical Republican Reconstruction Plan.†Travel and History. Web. 11 Sept. 2009. . â€Å"Reconstruction – Ohio History Central – A product of the Ohio Historical Society.†Ohio History Central – An Online Encyclopedia of Ohio History – Ohio Historical Society. Web. 1 Sept. 2009. . Simpson, Brooks D. â€Å"Let Us Have Peace: The Presidency of Ulysses S. Grant.†Teaching American History in Maryland – Documents for the Classroom – Maryland State Archives. Web. 14 Sept. 2009. .
Saturday, November 9, 2019
R&G are dead outline
Guilelessness says but is also witty at the same time, but even admits to Guild as being the more â€Å"dominant†of the two. Has more fun than Gull does, as he gets more excited when he sees the Tragedians. Guilelessness: A very inquisitive man who believes he can seek the answer to any question he has. He Is a good friend of Hamlet and initiates things based off how he feels. He Is the leader of the two, but he would be incomplete without Ross_ Even when he is crying, Ross is the only one that's there to comfort him. The two of them are like Batman & Robin, with Guild as being Batman. Are: The leader of the Tragedians who seems to have a dysfunctional brain. He Is wise, knowing that you can't question life at every turn, but saying that life is just like a play is an analogy I can't seem to see. He starts yapping away at Alfred for no apparent reason, and killed someone during a play Just for the heck of it. Something's up with this guy†¦ Hamlet: Is only shown as dysfun ctional and crazy throughout the book. In all of his speaking parts, he is mad and always on the verge of losing it. Always needs attention but Is also smart for saving his whole life.Alfred: the puppy dog who doesn't have a say in things. He just follows orders and lets the cast dress him up however they want. He sort of defies the stereotypical actor, since he admits to not even enjoy acting. Typically when you think of actors, they enjoy their work, but Alfred deviates and doesn't. THEMES/SYMBOLISM completely pointless. None of the events are even doing anything to the entire plot, which sort of means that everything contributes to the work as a whole because Stoppard whole point is that life is sort of meaningless. The Boat: To Ross, it represents death.The Journey is so long that it feels like life is just a drag that goes on for eternity. It's also symbolic of losing your sight-not your actual vision- but your sight as in your goal or future. When nothing surrounds you but wat er, it's easy to lose touch with yourself and you can lose control of yourself quite easily. Coin Tossing: In everyday life, tossing a coin really doesn't mean much. Stoppard flips this entire idea around by making it a big deal in the book. It's almost as if Stoppard switched the roles of the important and non-important things in life and decided to IEEE things through the opposite lens.The coin tossing in this play means much more than Just getting lucky. It's actually the exact opposite. Its getting really really really unlucky, and the fact that it landed heads so many times shows how nothing is really chance-it's fate. It's so weird to think about because in the big picture, getting heads over 100 times in a row seems impossible. But wait-if you think again, it actually is possible. It Just so happens that the chances of it happening are so small that us humans tend to neglect that small chance of occurring because let's face it- hat's never going to happen to one of us.Stoppar d almost defies the law by addressing this . 0000001% chance and tells his audience that, essentially, everything means nothing and nothing means everything. Predestination: The whole concept of not having control of your own life is a controversial topic that Stoppard analyses in the play. He-Lillo! Stoppard puts it in the dang title for crying out loud! R know that they're going to die, so why don't they do something about it? The mental battle that R are in is that they really don't have anything to live for. Even if they go back, what are they even going back to?I think what Stoppard is trying to say is that some of the most absurd things in life (such as walking straight into your death sentence), may not be as absurd as it sounds. When you really look at it from a different perspective, what is it that you're living for? I think R never really fought over their fate not because they couldn't, but because they didn't want to. Stoppard takes a walk on the wild side by telling hi s audience that life sometimes can be ludicrous, but it's up to you to decide what exactly in your life is worth living for.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Global Business
Global Business Global Business-Operational Concerns Essay Indonesia is arguably the most populous Muslim-dominated democracy in the world and Southeast Asia’s largest economy. The administration has fought corruption and attempted to promote much-needed foreign direct investment. Despite this, the poor rule of law persists as a main hurdle to attracting resources. Indonesia is a member of the G-20 and a propelling force among the Association of Southeast Asian countries and consequently plays an increasing role in global economic policy deliberations. The increasingly diversified and contemporary economy has improved considerably from the recent financial crisis and recession (, 2013). Indonesia has embarked on a broad-range of transformations to tackle diverse structural challenges and enhance competitiveness. Latest reform programs have emphasized improvement of regulatory competence, improvement of regional competitiveness, and forming a more robust private sector through upgrading and modernization of the financial sect or (, 2013). Despite considerable progress, the country’s development potential remains weak and hindered by incompetent investment and legal regimes. For example, political meddling in the private sector economy dampens vibrant economic growth, and persistent corruption, aggravated by a fragile judicial system, increases business risk. In the first half of year 2012, the administration reintroduced trade and investment hurdles that comprise restrictions on banks and ownership. Engaging in local sales efforts The Indonesia market is full of rivalry from companies in the neighboring nations such as Japan Singapore, China, and Malaysia. This implies that local intelligence and knowledge is critical to fend of or match the intense competition and this favor a local or regional composition of the sales team. The county and the region in general have different and unique culture that is necessary for the sales people to understand since they will be interacting with different distribution outlets and local consumers (, 2013). Even though it may be feasible in a number of cases to supply directly to the administration or state-owned entities, local partnerships of agents, domestic offices or distribution agents are regularly important to success of sales projects and development. The social networks and infrastructure are key elements in the Indonesian society. People tend to buy from outlets or distribution chains owned and managed by friends, relatives or acquaintances. Using of for eign citizens to manage distribution will not auger well with the large majority and may keep away potential buyers. The social network, values and norms embrace the support of one another. The local distribution equally has the experience and intelligent of the market and can make entry for the energy drink. Research study by the export office shows that small and medium scale U.S. companies venturing in the Indonesian market enhance their chances of performance by engaging strong local distributors (, 2013). The U.S. Commercial Service Jakarta helps U.S. companies identify and qualify potential Indonesian representatives (, 2013). The infrastructure is generally fairly well developed at a rating of 4.2 on a 1-7 scale. Specific areas such as roads, railway, port and energy are at an average score meaning that the direct engagement in direct selling efforts may prove a big challenge. The Indonesian marketing professional and marketing aspects are well developed. The country is rated at about 70 percent in marketing development by the global competitive index 2013. This means that the local sales and marketing team is equal to the task and can manage the distribution, sales and marketing effectively. Undertaking local manufacturing operations Although Indonesia publicly embraces foreign direct investment, numerous investors, both local and foreign, face unpredictability in the investment regulations and inconsistent enforcement.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Importance of the Magna Carta to the US Constitution
Importance of the Magna Carta to the US Constitution The Magna Carta, meaning â€Å"Great Charter,†is one of the most influential political documents ever written: it is seen by many modern political scientists as the fundamental document for many of the governing laws of the west, including the United States. Originally issued in 1215 by King John of England as a way of dealing with his own political crisis, the Magna Carta was the first governmental decree establishing the principle that all people- including the king- were equally subject to the law. Key Document in U.S. Political Foundations In particular, the Magna Carta had a significant impact on the American Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and the constitutions of various U.S. states. Its influence is also reflected in the beliefs held by eighteenth-century Americans that the Magna Carta affirmed their rights against oppressive rulers. In keeping with colonial Americans general distrust of sovereign authority, most early state constitutions included declarations of rights retained by individual citizens and lists of protections of those citizens from the powers of the state government. Due in part to this conviction to individual liberty first embodied in the Magna Carta, the newly-formed United States also adopted the Bill of Rights. The American Bill of Rights Several of the natural rights and legal protections enumerated in both the state declarations of rights and the United States Bill of Rights descend from rights protected by Magna Carta. A few of these include: Freedom from unlawful searches and seizuresThe right to a speedy trialA right to a jury trial in both criminal and civil casesProtection from loss of life, liberty, or property without due process of law The exact phrase from the 1215 Magna Carta referring to â€Å"due process of law†is in Latin, but there are various translations. The British Library translation reads: â€Å"No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgement of his equals or by the law of the land.†In addition, many broader constitutional principles and doctrines have their roots in America’s eighteenth-century interpretation of the Magna Carta, such as the theory of representative government, the idea of a supreme law, a government based on a clear separation of powers, and the doctrine of judicial review of legislative and executive acts. Journal of the Continental Congress Evidence of the influence of the Magna Carta on the American system of government can be found in several key documents, including the Journal of the Continental Congress, which is the official record kept of the Congresss deliberations between May 10, 1775, and March 2, 1789. In September and October 1774, the delegates to the first Continental Congress drafted a Declaration of Rights and Grievances, in which the colonists demanded the same liberties guaranteed to them under â€Å"the principles of the English constitution, and the several charters or compacts.†They demanded self-government, freedom from taxation without representation, the right to a trial by a jury of their own countrymen, and their enjoyment of â€Å"life, liberty, and property†free from interference from the English crown. The Federalist Papers Written by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay, and published anonymously between October 1787 and May 1788, the Federalist Papers were a series of eighty-five articles intended to build support for the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. Despite the widespread adoption of declarations of individual rights in state constitutions, several members of the Constitutional Convention generally opposed adding a bill of rights to the federal Constitution. In Federalist No. 84, published during the summer of 1788, Hamilton argued against the inclusion of a bill of rights, stating: â€Å"Here, in strictness, the people surrender nothing; and as they retain everything they have no need of particular reservations.†In the end, however, the Anti-Federalists prevailed and the Bill of Rights- based largely on the Magna Carta- was appended to the Constitution in order to secure its final ratification by the states. The Bill of Rights as Proposed As originally proposed to Congress in 1791, there were twelve amendments to the constitution. These were strongly influenced by the state of Virginia’s Declaration of Rights of 1776, which in turn incorporated a number of the protections of the Magna Carta. As a ratified document, the Bill of Rights included five articles directly reflecting these protections: Protection from unreasonable searches and seizures (4th), Protection of rights to life, liberty, and property (5th), Rights of accused persons in criminal cases (6th), Rights in civil cases (7th), and Other rights kept by the people (8th). History of the Magna Carta King John I (also known as John Lackland, 1166–1216) ruled England, Ireland and sometimes Wales and Scotland between 1177–1216. His predecessor and brother Richard I had spent much of the kingdoms wealth on the crusades: and in 1200, John himself had lost lands in Normandy, ending the Andevin Empire. In 1209, after an argument with Pope Innocent III over who should be the archbishop of Canterbury, John was excommunicated from the church. John needed to pay money to get back in Popes good graces, and he wanted to wage war and get back his lands in Normandy, so as sovereigns were wont to do, he increased already-heavy taxes on his subjects. The English barons fought back, forcing a meeting with the king at Runnymede near Windsor on June 15, 1215. At this meeting, King John was coerced into signing the Great Charter which protected some of their basic rights against royal actions. After some modifications, the charter known as the magna carta libertatum (great charter of liberties) became part of the law of the land of England in 1297 under the reign of Edward I.  Key Provisions of the Magna Carta Following are some of the key items that were included in the 1215 version of the Magna Carta: Habeas corpus, known as the right to due process, said that free men could only be imprisoned and punished after lawful judgment by a jury of their peers.Justice could not be sold, denied, or delayed.Civil lawsuits did not have to be held in the kings court.The Common Council had to approve the amount of money that vassals had to pay instead of having to serve in the military (called scutage) along with any aid that could be requested from them with only three exceptions, but in all cases, the aid had to be reasonable. This basically meant that John could no longer tax without the agreement of his Council.If the King wanted to call the Common Council, he had to give the barons, church officials, landowners, sheriffs, and bailiffs 40 days notice that included a stated purpose for why it was being called.For commoners, all fines had to be reasonable so that their livelihood could not be taken away. Further, any offense that a commoner was said to have committed had to be sworn to by go od men from the neighborhood. Bailiffs and constables could not appropriate peoples possessions.London and other cities were given the right to collect customs.The king could not have a mercenary army. In feudalism, the barons were the army. If the king had his own army, he would have the power to do what he wanted against the barons.Inheritances were guaranteed to individuals with the amount of what today we would call inheritance tax being set in advance.As stated previously, the king himself had to follow the law of the land. Up until the Magna Carta’s creation, British monarchs enjoyed supreme rule. With the Magna Carta, the king, for the first time, was not allowed to be above the law. Instead, he had to respect the rule of law and not abuse his position of power. Location of Documents Today There are four known copies of the Magna Carta in existence today. In 2009, all four copies were granted UN World Heritage status. Of these, two are located at the British Library, one is at Lincoln Cathedral, and the last is at Salisbury Cathedral. Official copies of the Magna Carta were reissued in later years. Four were issued in 1297 which King Edward I of England affixed with a wax seal. One of these is currently located in the United States. Conservation efforts were recently completed to help preserve this key document. It can be seen at the National Archives in Washington, D.C., along with the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights. Updated by Robert Longley Resources and Further Reading Documents from the Continental Congress and the Constitutional Convention, 1774 to 1789. Digital Collections. Library of Congress.The Federalist Papers. Howard, A. E. Dick. Magna Carta: Text and Commentary, 2nd ed. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1998.Linebaugh, Peter. The Magna Carta Manifesto: Liberties and Commons for All. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2009Magna Carta 1215: Transcript in English and Latin. The British Library. Hamilton, Alexander. Certain General and Miscellaneous Objections to the Constitution Considered and Answered. Federalist Papers 84. New York: McLeans, July 16–August 9, 1788Vincent, Nicholas. The clauses of Magna Carta. The British Library, March 13, 2015. The Virginia Declaration of Rights. National Archives.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Rape, what to do while being raped, and reporting rape Essay
Rape, what to do while being raped, and reporting rape - Essay Example This paper is going to discuss what to do and how to report rape so that the rapist can be convicted for his shameful act. The main instinct would be to scream, shout, kick, punch and yell at the rapist. This helps when you are in crowd and your shouting may bring help to you. When you start getting the feeling in the first place that somebody is trying to harass you sexually by touching or through any other cues, you must first of all tell him loudly to leave you alone or shout â€Å"Help†. Then if you are attacked, then it is natural that you will and have to shout for your sake. Kick him in his groin hard enough to get his hands off you. But what if you are in a desolate place? Rapists like deserted places where the victims cannot call for help or where there are no witnesses. In that case, screaming will do no good and the better thing would be to submit to the rapist to keep him from getting more violent and hurting you more. Men usually like to see terror they cause in women’s eyes and they enjoy it. So, when there is no help around, it would be better to stay calm so that you can come up with some idea to end this up. But if you decide to fight which is natural, then hit the rapist if you have something sharp in your hand like a bottle or anything you can grab and hit that will make him change his mind from continuing. Another good tip is that you should pretend as if you are going to vomit on the rapist’s face (Crislip). You can also try biting his hands or ears which will cause him enough pain to get off you. You can also tell him that you are suffering from AIDS! After knowing this, he will sure ly not wish to rape you or will discontinue even in the middle of the rape. Though vulgar to state here, but a sure tip to get him off you is to grab his scrotum and squeeze it hard till he yells for his life. You can do this by pretending as if you are enjoying the act and then grabbing his sensitive area and hurting it hard. Whether you
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