Saturday, November 9, 2019
R&G are dead outline
Guilelessness says but is also witty at the same time, but even admits to Guild as being the more â€Å"dominant†of the two. Has more fun than Gull does, as he gets more excited when he sees the Tragedians. Guilelessness: A very inquisitive man who believes he can seek the answer to any question he has. He Is a good friend of Hamlet and initiates things based off how he feels. He Is the leader of the two, but he would be incomplete without Ross_ Even when he is crying, Ross is the only one that's there to comfort him. The two of them are like Batman & Robin, with Guild as being Batman. Are: The leader of the Tragedians who seems to have a dysfunctional brain. He Is wise, knowing that you can't question life at every turn, but saying that life is just like a play is an analogy I can't seem to see. He starts yapping away at Alfred for no apparent reason, and killed someone during a play Just for the heck of it. Something's up with this guy†¦ Hamlet: Is only shown as dysfun ctional and crazy throughout the book. In all of his speaking parts, he is mad and always on the verge of losing it. Always needs attention but Is also smart for saving his whole life.Alfred: the puppy dog who doesn't have a say in things. He just follows orders and lets the cast dress him up however they want. He sort of defies the stereotypical actor, since he admits to not even enjoy acting. Typically when you think of actors, they enjoy their work, but Alfred deviates and doesn't. THEMES/SYMBOLISM completely pointless. None of the events are even doing anything to the entire plot, which sort of means that everything contributes to the work as a whole because Stoppard whole point is that life is sort of meaningless. The Boat: To Ross, it represents death.The Journey is so long that it feels like life is just a drag that goes on for eternity. It's also symbolic of losing your sight-not your actual vision- but your sight as in your goal or future. When nothing surrounds you but wat er, it's easy to lose touch with yourself and you can lose control of yourself quite easily. Coin Tossing: In everyday life, tossing a coin really doesn't mean much. Stoppard flips this entire idea around by making it a big deal in the book. It's almost as if Stoppard switched the roles of the important and non-important things in life and decided to IEEE things through the opposite lens.The coin tossing in this play means much more than Just getting lucky. It's actually the exact opposite. Its getting really really really unlucky, and the fact that it landed heads so many times shows how nothing is really chance-it's fate. It's so weird to think about because in the big picture, getting heads over 100 times in a row seems impossible. But wait-if you think again, it actually is possible. It Just so happens that the chances of it happening are so small that us humans tend to neglect that small chance of occurring because let's face it- hat's never going to happen to one of us.Stoppar d almost defies the law by addressing this . 0000001% chance and tells his audience that, essentially, everything means nothing and nothing means everything. Predestination: The whole concept of not having control of your own life is a controversial topic that Stoppard analyses in the play. He-Lillo! Stoppard puts it in the dang title for crying out loud! R know that they're going to die, so why don't they do something about it? The mental battle that R are in is that they really don't have anything to live for. Even if they go back, what are they even going back to?I think what Stoppard is trying to say is that some of the most absurd things in life (such as walking straight into your death sentence), may not be as absurd as it sounds. When you really look at it from a different perspective, what is it that you're living for? I think R never really fought over their fate not because they couldn't, but because they didn't want to. Stoppard takes a walk on the wild side by telling hi s audience that life sometimes can be ludicrous, but it's up to you to decide what exactly in your life is worth living for.
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